Hey, Dice Droppers!
Before we get into the regular Friday content, I just want to talk to you guys for a moment. With everything happening throughout the country and around the world, I implore everyone to stay safe. We fully stand behind the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This is an issue that has gone on for far too long in this country and I am sorry it had to escalate to these levels. We take the issues of Systemic Racism, Discrimination, and Police Violence seriously at Dice Drop. As I have said at the end of every post on this blog, please stay safe, and do whatever you can to help in your communities.
We are happy to say that Episode 8 “Lost and Found Family” is live now on your favorite Podcast Directory or you can listen to it by clicking the ‘Episodes’ tab at the top of the page! Our heroes finally have a chance to rest and regroup, they take this chance to see where they are in this investigation and where they are as a team. This is our longest episode yet, but it is also jam-packed with action and heartbreak. It is certainly an episode you do not want to miss!
So, the weekly update this week is an interesting one as we crossed the 150 Downloads mark. This is a minor milestone after crossing the one hundred downloads milestone, but we are excited, nonetheless. We are grateful to each of you who have listened to our podcast these past seven weeks and look forward to the future of our podcast.
We are also happy to say that this episode launching today is the penultimate episode in the first arc! The ‘Missing Professor’ Arc comes to its exciting conclusion next week with ‘Of Monster and Men’. Find out what happened with Professor Lancaster, and what happens as emotions burst forth in next week's episode of Dice Drop: Evolution.
This does not mean, however, that we are taking a break after next week’s episode. We are jumping straight into the next arc with both feet. We have so much content in store for you guys, a lot of it I haven’t even shared with the rest of the cast (Being the DM and all, I would hate to spoil the surprise). I am excited about this next arc and I know the rest of the cast is as well.
Check out this week’s episode ‘Lost and Found Family’ on your favorite podcast directory. As always, I will be back on Monday with the latest DM Notes talking about today’s episode. Be sure to tune in next week for the Arc Finale as well!
Thank you for reading and listening, and of course, with everything happening around the globe, stay safe.
Your Dungeon Master,